Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is believed to be a psychological problem and does not represent any known organic disease involving the male reproductive tract or any known lesions in the brain or nervous system. The organ systems directly affected by this condition include the male reproductive tract (ie, penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles, and their appendages), the portions of the central and peripheral nervous system controlling the male reproductive tract, and the reproductive organ systems of the sexual partner (for the purpose of this discussion, the partner is assumed to be female) that may not be stimulated sufficiently to achieve orgasm. If the PE episode occurs so early that it happens before commencement of sexual intercourse and the couple is attempting pregnancy, then pregnancy is impossible to achieve unless artificial insemination is used. Perhaps the most affected organ system is the psyche of the partners. Both partners are likely to be dissatisfied emotionally and physically by this problem.

For the study, participants in the TEMPE group (Topical Eutectic Mixture for Premature Ejaculation) administered three metered sprays of the local anesthetic preparation to the glans of their penis 15 minutes before intercourse. This delivered a total of 22.5mg of lidocaine and 7.5mg of prilocaine.

Premature Ejaculation ( PE ) is the most common sexual dysfunction. DSM- IVdefines it as an ejaculation occurring before, on or shortly after penetration with a minimum of sexual stimulation. This dysfunction could lead to personal distress and relationship problems.

Premature ejaculation can be defined as having an orgasm any time before you would like to. Since male orgasm originates in the prostate, ejaculation control starts with learning how to contract the prostate by contracting your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common forms of male sexual dysfunction and it mostly occurs when sexual intercourse is initiated. When not treated properly, it can lead to erectile dysfunction, a more complex sexual disorder.